
The International Charity Law Network grew out of a recognition by charity law scholars around the world that their work could benefit from connecting with similar scholars in other countries. It also grew out of recognition that governments in many countries are wrestling with similar issues arising under charity law. These issues include the appropriate legal definition for charities, what activities should be limited or prohibited for charities, and to what extent the law should channel or restrict charity-government relationships.

London Fischerhall 2018
The inaugural Charity Law Workshop was held at the University of Notre Dame’s London Global Gateway, located next to Trafalgar Square.

The first major event for the Network was a September 2022 Charity Law Workshop in London. Hosted by Notre Dame Law School, the Workshop featured over two dozen scholars from a dozen countries and five continents. The presentations of works and progress and related discussions confirmed the insights that formed the basis for the Network. Charity law is a field of growing importance around the world, and academics, government officials, and legal practitioners are wrestling with the same issues relating to charity law in a variety of countries.

The next planned major event for the Network is a second in-person gathering, scheduled for September 19-20, 2024 in Toronto, Canada. In the meantime, the Network is developing this website and a related newsletter to keep participants informed about important charity law scholarly developments. The Network is guided by a Board of Advisors consisting of leading charity law scholars from around the world.

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